Saturday, May 21, 2011

This morning I shared my shower...

with this...

Yep. annnnd I am TERRIFIED of spiders. Seriously, this photo CREEPS ME OUT. But, I am so PROUD of myself. Normally my reaction would be to freeze and scream...and probably cry, but I know my husband can't come save me right now- as he probably would have jumped out of bed to see what is wrong and end up hurting himself. So... I quickly finished my shower, never allowing this thing to leave my sight, and got out of there. Then, in my amazement of myself I took a photo or 12.... just so I can remember that I was able to be in proximity to this thing without dying.

I really don't know where my fear of spiders comes from... I don't remember being terrorized with them or anything like that. One of my first memories is a HUGE spider being on the floor and my mom stepping on it at least three times before it finally died. Maybe that is it, maybe not. I don't think spiders can kill me... as most cannot do any harm, and I am able to deal with creatures that can pose more harm than a spider...but nevertheless, these things scare me. *Sigh*. It is what it is, I guess. 

What is your fear? If you don't like spiders either... what is your "scariest" encounter?

23 fantastic comments:

Christa @ Little Us said...

Holy crap! What kind of spider is that?! I can't believe you finished showering with that thing in there!

Darcy said...

I would have tried flushing it down the drain!

Six in the Nest said...

I *think* it is a wood spider... but, I couldn't identify it because as I was looking at all the pictures I got really nauseous. lol. I can't believe I finished showering either...I was out pretty quickly though, within a minute, just finished rinsing off!

Six in the Nest said...

I did that after I was out and took a picture, Darcy. I normally don't kill animals, but I don't want it in my house and I couldn't get it outside.

Tree said...

Holy spider, batman!! WOW. I too am not very fond of spiders.. to say the least. LOL YIKES!

Unknown said...

Ewww! I don't think I could have finished showering with it in there either. Priority one would have been getting it dead and down the drain, then I would have finished my shower, LOL. As a side note, even creepier than spiders... here in TX we have giant roaches... they fly and sometimes make it in from the outside. Awful. The other night I went to go to the bathroom and almost didn't turn the light on but then did. Peed, went to wash my hands and looked up in the mirror to see a big old cockroach sitting on the vent in the wall behind me. I freaked out inside a little then promptly closed the bathroom door and went to get my vacuum. Came back and went to suck the thing up. I swear, it moved it's head and looked right at me. (!!!) Then as I'm trying to vacuum it it wouldn't come off the wall, I practically had to shove the hose over it to get enough suck-power, LOL. And we have a Dyson animal - lots of suck-power! Anyway, wow, I think I wrote as much as your post, ROFL. Moral of the story, bugs are gross.

Children Teaching Mama said...

OMG! Congrats on lasting through the entire shower without running away in fear! You did much better than I could have done. I definitely would have screamed repeatedly until everyone in the house was awake. LOL
Bugs are definitely gross... and why do they have to look so creepy?!?

smashbravo said...

That is a seriously big and ugly spider...I don't think I would have been able to stay in the shower like you did. Kudos to you!!

Megan said...

SICK!! I would have immediately gotten my naked butt outta there!!

Brandi said...

I am not particularly scared of spiders but my caution depends on the type of spider. Daddy Long Legs? Eh, whatever. Unknown spooky spider? I will try and scoop it up and throw it out.

Ann Jones said...

Im not big on spiders, but my two boys think they are the best thing ever :) Following you from mom blogger club, have a great weekend!

mythreewonders said...

Yikes! That is one big spider. I am not a fan of most bugs inside my house, but the thing that I have an irrational fear of is tight, enclosed spaces. That gets me every time.

Six in the Nest said...

Just in case anyone cares to know, this is a WOLF Spider. Ewwww.

Unknown said...

I cant believe you got close enough to take a pic of that!!!! I HATE spiders, oh and I am a new follower stopping my from Alexa hop

Diane said...

OMG! I don't know how you stayed in there. I seriously am afraid of spiders to. I would have had to get out of there, shower or not!

Anonymous said...

I've got a crazy fear of spiders too! I can't look at them, kill them, or even watch them on TV. Whenever I enter my office, I check the ceiling for spiders. They have a tendency to hang out in here because the sun room is off of it. I can imagine a video of my spider reaction would be quite hilarious, but I am terrified!
Stopping by from the Alexa hop :)

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big that is..holy crap! That gives me the creeps!!!

Mel Creates Often said...

Aaaah, spiders creep me out! I can kill them, but I'm usually screaming as I do it. Sometimes, I'll even ask my 6 yr old to do it. Good job on not freaking out! Stopping by from the Alexa hop.

K.J. Ester said...

Ken from 'Michigan Spiders' here.

Definitely a Wolf Spider. Not really dangerous to humans. The most danger comes from the possibility of carrying the MRSA infection if it bites you. Not very common to happen though. :o)

Definitely a scary looking fellow though. lol I catch spiders and take pics of them, but I would even be a little freaked out showering with one. lol

Nikki said...

Ack!! I am creeped out just seeing the picture and reading about you sharing your shower with that thing! I am terrified of spiders. Ick! Now I keep feeling them crawl on me! LOL

I'm visiting from the Alexa hop.

Pretty Opinionated

lizzie said...

Yes, sharing showers with spiders is NEVER good! haha, my dear husband knows when I let out a scream something is in there that shouldn't be!

New follower from hop! Thanks for hosting. Come visit me at Considering The Fields

Unknown said...

Lol. I am also deathly afraid of spiders. Out in our pasture there are 'orb' spiders. Look them up. They are as big as your hand. They build webs in between the trees. My husband laughs at me when I accidently walk through a web because I do this funny dance wiping myself down to make sure the spider isnt on me. I cannot stand spiders.

Mimi N said...

Oh my gosh, I NEVER would've finished that shower. LOL That photo totally freaked me out! TO-TALLY


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