I am excited to say I have been chosen as a "spotlight dancer" for Monday's Music Moves me!

How lucky am I?
Well this week's music theme is a freebie, so I get to pick whatever I want!
Now how do I choose??? I have SO many favorites, but here is my current favorite song from my favorite band.
I hope you enjoy the song! Now go add a song and post your Monday's Music Moves Me post and link up!
17 fantastic comments:
CONGRATS my friend! Hope you have a wonderful time today. Love Pearl Jam, but haven't heard this one. Great choice. Have a wonderful day and PAR TAY & HAVE FUN! Following you and entered a give-away while I was at it. Very cool, but I kept forgetting to put my e-address. :-(
:) As long as I can find a way to contact you you will win if random.org picks you. ;)
There was a tiny prob with the linky, but it's fixed now. Have fun and congrats again!
Never heard this but I like it. So Pearl Jam... glad to learn something new today. Congrats and happy Monday!
Love your pick this week =)
I love Pearl Jam, Eddies voice is so haunting and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I love Pearl Jam - but don't remember hearing this one...thanks for sharing!! :)
CONGRATS on your Spotlight Dance! ;)
MMMM: To the Sky
Congrats on your spotlight dance...great pick to celebrate.
Congrats on being picked as spotlight dancer! :-)
I love the new stuff from Pearl Jam. Great pick!
Congrats on being featured and sharing one of your faves with us.
I like it. Love the voice!
Enjoy the rest of your week! :)
Congratulations on your Spotlight Dance... and your choice is AWESOME~ I love Pearl Jam. It was my best friend's favorite band and you brought back some wonderful memories of good times with her. She passed away in '09. Thanks! :)
Looking forward to your next pick, thanks for playing along with us, I am following you now.
Congrats to you on your honor.
Have not heard this song before but so far I love it! So haunting!
Congrats on the Spotlight Dance! This is the first time I heard this song. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
Ok, confession time...I know the name of the band, but I have no idea what songs they sang and never heard this one. Does that mean that at 51 I am really, really old?
No Way! You aren't old at all! Pearl Jam is actually celebrating 20 years together this year! You may have heard Jeremy (pretty much their most popular song), Daughter, or Betterman.....or Last Kiss more recently.
I had not heard this one either it is a bit eerie. I am just sitting back listening and loving it!
I used to love Pearl Jam and thought it was awesome how they maintained their integrity and even tried to fight Ticketmaster (wish they would have won).. anyhow..
I had not heard this song before and it is amazing..one of their best. I'll admit, I haven't bought a Pearl Jam in probably 10 years. I have been missing something grand.
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