Saturday, January 8, 2011

BabyLegs Review & Giveaway! CLOSED

Since having Annabelle, I have become aware of all things cute and girly....all the things that I couldn't buy with the boys. One of those things is leg warmers.

Now, since finding leg warmers, I have also found out that they are not JUST for girls!

BabyLegs sent me a few items to review and I have to say, I am in love!

Annabelle's ADORABLE BabyLegs! :)
BabyLegs doesn't only make leg warmers either... they make socks too!

Annabelle at Christmas, wearing BabyLegs socks. 

BabyLegs also make tights
Regular tights...                    and Footless tights!

Now, you may remember that I said leg warmers weren't just for girls....they also aren't just for legs!

Nolyn's favorite way to wear BabyLegs is:

On his ARMS!
I love that BabyLegs can turn any short sleeve shirt into a long sleeve shirt! Especially here in gets SO cold, and it seems like such a waste to only wear t-shirts half the year!
Nolyn also wore the BabyLegs on his legs, but wasn't as fond of them there, but he sure loved them on his arms.

BabyLegs leg warmers are great, they fit so many age ranges from baby to adult! I was even able to wear the dinosaur BabyLegs as arm warmers! They also make a special size for newborns, so check those out too! You can find more sizing information here.

Overall, I can't say enough about BabyLegs! I highly recommend that you try BabyLegs if you haven't yet!

BabyLegs has also offered one U.S. Six in the Nest reader a free BabyLegs grab-bag!

Mandetory Entries
 *You must be a Google Friend Connect follower of Six in the Nest to enter any Six in the Nest giveaways.*
These entries are REQUIRED.
Post one Comment per entry, all entries MUST include your email!

1-Like BabyLegs on Facebook
1-Follow Baby Legs on Twitter

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1 entry- Vote for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs (This can be done DAILY!)

Want More Entries?

Get a friend to follow Six in the Nest via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, or "like" on Facebook.
If you refer a friend to Six in the Nest have them come to this post and comment:
I Follow/Like Six in the Nest and ______ referred me!
Their comment will count as YOUR entry, so ask them to put your email in the comment.
 They can enter the giveaway as well if they comment again with their email for the mandatory entry.
One friend can follow on GFC, Twitter, and Like on Facebook all for you, AND use those actions to enter themselves as well...all they have to do is post a comment for each entry, but remind them to use YOUR email for the referral comments and THEIR email for their entry comment.
This can be done as many times as you would like!

Giveaway is open to U.S. residents. Giveaway will close on January 18th, 2011 at 11:59 and the winner will be announced shortly afterwards. 

98 fantastic comments:

Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC

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Voted for you today 1/8

Jennifer C. said...

I follow you via GFC.

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jennifer C. said...

I like Babylegs on FAcebook

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jennifer C. said...

I follow Babylegs on twitter @JCausby

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jennifer C. said...

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jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jamie said...

Hi! Great blog! Ran across you on MM.

Nancy said...

I love the baby leggings. So cute. What a good idea!

Unknown said...

i follow u. via gfc.

Unknown said...

fb fan of baby legs. amy bolda pugmire.

Unknown said...

i follow baby legs on twitter. 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...


mogrill said...

I think these are so cute!!
Thanks for the chance.

we are moms said...

i follow you on gfc.

we are moms said...

i like babylegs on facebook.

we are moms said...

i like you on facebook.

we are moms said...

i posted on my facebook page.

Keyco's Cachet said...

I like babylegs on Facebook

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Keyco's Cachet said...

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DontSayHurry said...

I follow u via GFC

DontSayHurry said...

I follow baby legs on facebook

DontSayHurry said...

I follow baby legs on twitter

DontSayHurry said...

following u on twitter

DontSayHurry said...

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DontSayHurry said...

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spice2116 said...

i have been seeing this a lot and they are so super cute especially on chubby little legs

kandikid82 said...

GFC as kandikid82

Liked on facebook

stephanieb @ ourcouponhome dot com

BabyElan said...

GFC follower! Love Babylegs...we're cookin' baby #4 after 3 boys so yes, praying for a girl to be able to dress up and be girlie with!
dana {at} babyelandaily {dot} com

BabyElan said...

Follow Baby Legs on Twitter
dana {at} babyelandaily {dot} com

BabyElan said...

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Dana Materese Blake
dana {at} babyelandaily {dot} com

BabyElan said...

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Dana Materese Blake
dana {at} babyelandaily {dot} com

BabyElan said...

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BabyElan said...

Voted for ya!
Dana {at} babyelandaily {dot} com

Texas Type A Mom said...

Facebook fan of Baby Legs - Kelly T.

Texas Type A Mom said...

Twitter follower of Baby Legs - @texastypeamom

Texas Type A Mom said...
texastypeamom (at) gmail (dot) com

Texas Type A Mom said...

voted for you!
texastypeamom (at) gmail (dot) com

Texas Type A Mom said...!/texastypeamom/status/24898286477377536
texastypeamom (at) gmail (dot) com

Heather Kelly said...

I follow babylegs on facebook @airplanesand dragonflies.

Heather K.
mysticbutterfly37 at

Heather Kelly said...

I follow you on twitter @matthewsmommy.

Heather K.
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Heather Kelly said...

I follow you on facebook @airplanesand dragonflies.

Heather K.
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Heather Kelly said...

I voted for you on picket fences blogs!

Heather K.
mysticbutterfly37 at

Kim said...

follow u
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twitter follow them -kgail11

Kim said...

twitter follow u- kgail11

LittleBird said...

I am a GFC follower LittleBird

LittleBird said...

LittleBird GFC follower coeyncass at hotmail dot com

LittleBird said...

I like babylegs on facebook coeyncass at hotmail dot com

LittleBird said...

I follow babylegs on twitter @cferder
coeyncass at hotmail dot com

LittleBird said...

I like six in the nest on facebook coeyncass at hotmail dot com

LittleBird said...

I follow six in the nest on twitter @cferder

Anonymous said...

Facebook Fan of Babylegs @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

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Anonymous said...

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bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said...

Voted today at Picket Fence

bakergurl02 @

Cakeblast said...

I follow you on GFC as "Cakeblast"
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Cakeblast said...

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Allie said...

I followed through GFC! (allieclark11)

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Allie Clark

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Allie Clark

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momtoem said...

Google Friend Connect follower of Six in the Nest
lejn05 at yahoo dot com

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lejn05 at yahoo dot com

momtoem said...

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lejn05 at yahoo dot com

momtoem said...

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Allie said...

Voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs today!

Jackie said...

I follow publicly and am a fan of Baby legs on facebook

Jackie said...

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Jackie said...

I voted on picket fence!! You have just voted for Six in the Nest! Remember, you can vote every day

Rhonda Clemens said...

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Rhonda W-C

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Rhonda W-C

Erin E said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect (Sewmuchstuff). I like BabyLegs on Facebook (Erin E)
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

Thank you!

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Erin E said...

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Erin E said...

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Erin E said...

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sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

AmyLynn said...

I like babylegs on FB.

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pmj said...

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pjames330 at aol dot com

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pjames330 at aol dot com

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pjames330 at aol dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I like Babylegs on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

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