Friday, January 7, 2011

Softlips Review and Giveaway! CLOSED

What girl doesn't love lip balm? I know I sure love it. I also love soft lips, so naturally, I love Softlips!

Where I live it is cold, and very, very, dry. The cold and the lack of humidity in winter often leads to chapped lips, so I have to use lip balm several times a day. Softlips has been a great choice for me this winter!

To go with the winter theme, I was sent  Softlips' Limited Edition Winter Flavors Pack. This wonderful collection of lip balm includes sweet smelling lip balms that reflect the winter season. 

This limited edition pack includes these flavors

Sugar & Spice
Winter Mint
Sugar Cookie
Sugar Plum Berry
Mint with a Hint of Vanilla

This limited edition flavor pack is only available online, and it comes in a reusable pouch. This set of 5 lip balms is available for $9.99 at

I really enjoyed trying out the winter pack. I honestly didn't notice a "flavor" to the lip balms, they were all a little minty, but I couldn't distinguish the flavors by taste alone. However, the smell of them was delicious! I really liked the  mints and the sugar cookie. I wasn't as fond of the Sugar Plum Berry (it smelled too sweet for me) or the Sugar and Spice, but they weren't bad.

My favorite thing about Softlips is that protects your lips by providing SPF 20. Even in winter we need to remember to use sunscreen and be careful of damaging UV rays, and your lips need protection too!

For the latest information, news and promotions, connect with Softlips®

Softlips has offered on U.S. or Canadian reader a set of Softlips Limited Edition Wintor Flavors!

Mandatory Entries
 *You must be a Google Friend Connect follower of Six in the Nest to enter any Six in the Nest giveaways.*
These entries are REQUIRED.
Post one Comment per entry, all entries MUST include your email!

1- Tell me which Softlips lip balm you think would be your favorite.

Optional Entries
1 entry- Follow Six in the Nest on Twitter
1 entry- Like Six in the Nest on Facebook
1 entry- Like Softlips on Facebook
1 entry- Follow Softlips on Twitter
1 entry- Post this on your Facebook page
1 entry- Tweet this post on Twitter (put link in comment)
1 entry- "Like" one of my previous review's Facebook pages and tell them "Six in the Nest" sent you (This can be done once per Facebook page!)
1 entry- Vote for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs (This can be done DAILY!)

Want More Entries?

Get a friend to follow Six in the Nest via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, or "like" on Facebook.
If you refer a friend to Six in the Nest have them come to this post and comment:
I Follow/Like Six in the Nest and ______ referred me!
Their comment will count as YOUR entry, so ask them to put your email in the comment.
 They can enter the giveaway as well if they comment again with their email for the mandatory entry.
One friend can follow on GFC, Twitter, and Like on Facebook all for you, AND use those actions to enter themselves as well...all they have to do is post a comment for each entry, but remind them to use YOUR email for the referral comments and THEIR email for their entry comment.
This can be done as many times as you would like!

This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Giveaway will close 1/17/2011 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen and given 48 hours to reply to the email I send, if no reply, a new winner will be chosen. 

I was given samples of the product in order to conduct this review. I received no monetary payment and all opinions of the product are my own.

132 fantastic comments:

Mel said...

Sugar Plum Berry or Sugar Cookie. Tough decision. My daughter is ridiculous about lip balms! :)

Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

Machell said...

I would choose mint with a hint of vanilla...

Machell said...

follow you via gfc.

Machell said...

following you on twitter @jazmineduke.

Machell said...

I like you on facebook.

Machell said...

I like softlips on facebook.

Machell said...

Following softlips on twitter @jazmineduke.

Machell said...

Voted for you at picket fence.

eclairre said...

for me itd be sugar cookie for sure.

Unknown said...

I think the Mint with a Hint of Vanilla would be my fave!!
thank you!!

ashleynichole said...

I'm pretty sure sugar cookie would be my fave :)

Ourfamilyworld said...

Great post. I found your link through saturday blog hop.
I would appreciate if you visit my blog

Have a great week end

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC!

Unknown said...

Im a strawberry girl!

Unknown said...

I like you on FB

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter

Unknown said...

Like softlips on Twitter

Unknown said...

Like softlips on facebook

Unknown said...

Vote 12/8 PF

Valeen said...

I'm a follower on GFC! The Sugar Plum Berry sounds wonderful!


sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I think sugar cookie would be my favorite.

kport207 at gmail dot com

CEB said...

Lynn would love the Sugar Cookie.

ayeembored at hotmail dot com

lkvoyer said...

I think sugar cookie would be my favorite. LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Following Six in the Nest on Twitter @dancersmom69. LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Following Six in the Nest on FB (leann brandner voyer) LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Like Softlips on FB (leann brandner voyer) LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Following Softlips on twitter @dancersmom69. LKVOYER at aol dot com

Venus Montoya said...

Happy to be a GFC follower and I would love to try Sugar Plum Berry.


follow-sugar cookie

Miranda said...

I'd like the sugar cookie lip balm!

Miranda said...

Following on Twitter (mirandatweets)

Miranda said...

Liked 6 in the Next on FB (Miranda Marchese)

Miranda said...

Like softlips on fb (Miranda Marchese)

Miranda said...

Following softlips on twitter (mirandatweets)

Miranda said...

Liked Babylegs and commented (Miranda Marchese)

Miranda said...

Voted on Picket fence blogs

Carrie K said...

I follow you on GFC.
I'd like to try the Sugar Cookie flavor.

Carrie K said...

Voted on Picket Fence Blogs.

kygirl said...

I would like the wintermint.

sohamolina said...

I am eddiem11 a GFC public

I like Beeswax SoftLips

sohamolina said...

I am @sohamolina twitter

sohamolina said...

I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker -----

sohamolina said...

Like Softlips on Facebook

sohamolina said...

voted 1-8-11

Unknown said...

i like the replenish.

Unknown said...

fb fan of softlips. amy bolda pugmire.

Unknown said...


Gypsy said...

I would absolutely love the mint with a hint of vanilla :)


Leona P said...

I Like Six in the Nest on Facebook
and would like the sugar cookie

Karla S said...

I follow with gfc and I think I would like the peach mango!
ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I follow softlips on facebook(Karla Sceviour)

Karla S said...

I follow softlips on twitter

Karla S said...

I like you on facebook(Karla Sceviour)

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I voted picket fences
ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I tweeted

Amber said...

I think the papaya flavor would be my favorite
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Softlips on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow @Ilovesoftlips on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Lisa P. said...

Mint with a Hint of Vanilla
lafittelady at gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

Twitter follower of SixInTheNest @Lisa4Christ
lafittelady at gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

Twitter follower of SoftLips @Lisa4Christ
lafittelady at gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

lafittelady at gmail dot com

sohamolina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sohamolina said...

voted 1-10-11

Carrie K said...

Voted for your blog on Picket Fence Blogs today.

kandikid82 said...

beeswax because I like natural feeling lip balm

GFC as kandikid82

stephanieb @ ourcouponhome dot com

Linda said...

I follow you on GFC(Linda G) and My favorite would be the Sugar Cookie!

Carrie K said...

Voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs today

sohamolina said...

voted 1-12-11

Jean said...

I'd like sugar cookie

Carrie K said...

Voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs today

Mama Bre' said...

I would choose Sugar Cookie
kambres at gmail dot com

Mama Bre' said...

I am a fan on facebook
kambres at gmail dot com

Mama Bre' said...

I like Softlips on Facebook
kambres at gmail dot com

Rachel said...

I would love to try the sugar cookie

sohamolina said...

You have just voted for Six in the Nest! 1-14-11

Anonymous said...

Winter mint!

Ashley H said...

I think I would like the coconut cream!
I follow on GFC agatewood1

Ashley H said...

I follow you on twitter @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

I follow softlips on twitter @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

Softlips facebook liker

Ashley H said...

Voted for you on picket fence blogs

msrodeobrat said...

following on gfc as msrodeobrat
i like the mint with a hint of vanilla
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Carrie K said...

Voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs today

clynsg said...

Follower, and I would pick Winter Mint.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Jonnie (JB) said...

I follow with GFC and I would like Mint With A Hint of Vanilla


Jonnie (JB) said...

I follow you on twitter as edmontonjb


Jonnie (JB) said...

I follow softlips on twitter as edmontonjb


Liz said...

Sugar cookie

egenevieve at gmail dot com

Liz said...

I follow you on Twitter @bobthebunny25

egenevieve at gmail dot com

Liz said...

I follow softlips on twitter @bobthebunny25

egenevieve at gmail dot com

Allie said...

I'm a follower through GFC (allieclark11)
I think I would like the Sugar Cookie!

Allie said...

I liked Six in the Nest on Facebook.

Allie Clark

Allie said...

I liked Softlips on Facebook.

Allie Clark

Allie said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs today!

Kitty Cardero said...

Follow on GFC. I think I would like Sugar Plum Berry best.

Anonymous said...

I follow GFC.

spiersrp at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would like Winter Mint.

Anonymous said...

I voted for you at Picket Fence.

spiersrp at gmail dot com

jandsfox_143 said...

I would like the sugar cookie.

Glogirl said...

I am a new follower via GFC.
Strawberry would be my favorite flavor from Softlips.


Glogirl said...

I am following you on Twitter @glogirl3


Glogirl said...

I Like Softlips on Facebook. (Amy M)


Glogirl said...

I Follow Softlips on Twitter @glogirl3


Glogirl said...



Glogirl said...

I voted for your blog on Picket Fence Blogs.


Erin G said...

GFC follower (greenup06). I think I'd like the sugar cookie.


Erin G said...

FB fan of Six in the Nest (Erin Greenup)


Erin G said...

FB fan of Softlips (Erin Greenup)


Belinda M said...

I follow your blog and would think that sugar cookie would be lip smacking good


Belinda M said...

I like Softlips on facebook - Belinda M


Belinda M said...

I follow Softlips on twitter as Prairiebelle


Belinda M said...



luckycat1818 said...

I think Winter Mint would be my favorite.

I follow with google friend connect as luckycat1818.


magic5905 said...

Sugar plum berry would be my favorite. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

sohamolina said...

You have just voted for Six in the Nest!

Glogirl said...

I voted today for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs.


Erin said...

I'm a follower. I would love to try the Sugar Cookie lip balm.

glycinemax at gmail dot com

Erin said...

I follow Softlips on Twitter as @one_of_three.

glycinemax at gmail dot com

Erin said...

I like Softlips on Facebook as Erin A-L.

glycinemax at gmail dot com

dawn0124 said...

Winter Mint said...

I would choose sugar cookie
Diane Baum

Unknown said...

I love minty lip balms, so I think that wintermint would be my favorite!

blaskey1186 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Liked Six in the Nest on Facebook. Kelly DoubleYou

blaskey1186 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Liked Softlips on facebook. Kelly DoubleYou

blaskey1186 at yahoo dot com

mail4rosey said...

I think the Winter Mint would be great.

Julie said...

I use the winter mint all the time

Julie said...

like soft lips on fb -Julie S Laws

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bakersdozen said...

I now follow. I usually go for mint, but I am curious about the sugar & spice. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with the sugar cookie!!


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