Sunday, January 9, 2011

Charm Factory Review and Giveaway! CLOSED

I have been given the chance to review a  wonderful bracelet from Charm Factory. I do have to say, when I first saw the low prices I assumed the product wouldn't be very high quality. Boy was I wrong!

I received the star charm bracelet in .925 sterling silver

I was VERY surprised when I opened the box and took out the bracelet. The bracelet was much heavier than I expected... I really expected some lightweight chintzy bracelet but it was everything but that. 
This bracelet is heavy; not uncomfortable to wear heavy, just good quality heavy. And it is gorgeous!  I am also happy to say that this bracelet is very adjustable! I have a SMALL wrist, so I didn't need any of the extension, but it is good to know that if I had gotten this for someone as a gift it would fit them as well.

Charm Factory has many different charms with options of silver or lead-free pewter, and even some wood charms! If you are looking for a charm, or a gorgeous pre-made charm bracelet, definitely check out the site.
Charm Factory has offered a finished charm bracelet from their selection of pre-made bracelets!

Mandatory Entries
 You must be a public Google Friend Connect follower of Six in the Nest to enter any
 Six in the Nest giveaways.

These entries are all REQUIRED.
Post one Comment per entry, all entries MUST include your email!

1 entry- Tell me which charm bracelet you would chose, click HERE.
1 entry- Like Charm Factory on Facebook
1 entry- Follow Charm Factory on Twitter

Optional Entries
1 entry- Follow Six in the Nest on Twitter
1 entry- Like Six in the Nest on Facebook
1 entry- Post this on your Facebook page
1 entry- Tweet this post on Twitter (put link in comment)
1 entry- "Like" one of my previous review's Facebook pages and tell them "Six in the Nest" sent you (This can be done once per Facebook page!)
1 entry- Vote for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs (This can be done DAILY!)

Want More Entries?

Get a friend to follow Six in the Nest via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, or "like" on Facebook.
If you refer a friend to Six in the Nest have them come to this post and comment:
I Follow/Like Six in the Nest and ______ referred me!
Their comment will count as YOUR entry, so ask them to put your email in the comment.
 They can enter the giveaway as well if they comment again with their email for the mandatory entry.
One friend can follow on GFC, Twitter, and Like on Facebook all for you, AND use those actions to enter themselves as well...all they have to do is post a comment for each entry, but remind them to use YOUR email for the referral comments and THEIR email for their entry comment.
This can be done as many times as you would like!

This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Giveaway will close 1/19/2011 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen and given 48 hours to reply to the email I send, if no reply, a new winner will be chosen. 

128 fantastic comments:

Melissa M. said...

I am a public follower on GFC

Melissa M. said...

I would choose the Awareness Bracelet

Melissa M. said...

I follow Charm Factory on Facebook

Melissa M. said...

I follow Charm Factory on Twitter

Melissa M. said...

I follow Six in the Next on Twitter

Melissa M. said...

I follow Six in the Next on Facebook

Melissa M. said...

I voted for Six in the Next on Picket Fence Blogs

409cope said...

I follow through google friend.
I like Charm Factory on facebook.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail

409cope said...

I follow Charm Factory on twitter as 409cope.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I would pick the Emerald Bracelet with Crystal Hearts. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I like you on facebook.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I tweeted-!/409cope/status/24256826488922112 cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I posted on facebook.-!/permalink.php?story_fbid=131631040232949&id=582565011 Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I voted for you.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Keyco's Cachet said...

I would choose the peace braclet!

Keyco's Cachet said...

I like them on Facebook

Keyco's Cachet said...

I follow them on Twitter

Keyco's Cachet said...

I like you on Facebook

Keyco's Cachet said...

I follow you on Twitter

Miranda said...

I'd choose the silver heart bracelet

Miranda said...

I liked Charm Factory on FB (Miranda Marchese)

Miranda said...

Following Charm Factory on twitter (eponine367)

Miranda said...

Following you on twitter (eponine367)

Miranda said...

I like you on FB (Miranda Marchese)

Miranda said...

I wrote on the wall for Babylegs

Miranda said...

Voted on Picket Fence

XmasDolly said...

I would definitely pick the Alexandrite Crystal Heart Charm Bracelet. That's my birthstone.

XmasDolly said...

I liked Charm Factory on FB

XmasDolly said...

I follow Charm Factory on Twitter.

XmasDolly said...

I follow you on Twitter


XmasDolly said...

I liked you on FB

XmasDolly said...

I am a public follower Of yours on GFC

xmasdolly at comcast dot net

XmasDolly said...

I tweeted this give-away!/XmasDolly/status/24323891115597824

XmasDolly said...

I posted this give-away on my facebook.

XmasDolly said...

I have just voted for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs.

xmasdolly at comcast dot net

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I Follow/Like Six in the Nest and XmasDolly referred me!

Entry for

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I follow you on GFC.
Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I would like to get the Amethyst Bracelet with Crystal Hearts if I were lucky enough to win.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I Like Charm Factory on Facebook

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I follow Charm Factory on Twitter,

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I Follow Six in the Nest on Twitter,

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I like Six in the Nest on Facebook,

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I shared the giveaway on my FB page,

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I voted for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs,

Karla S said...

I follow with gfc and I would choose the silver hearts bracelet

Karla S said...

I follow charm factory on twitter

Karla S said...

I like charm factory on facebook(Karla Sceviour)

Karla S said...

I like you on facebook(Karla Sceviour)ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I follow you on twitter

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I tweeted

Karla S said...

I voted picket fences
ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Granny1949 said...

I would pick the
Awareness Bracelet my granddaughter would love it

409cope said...

I voted for you. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

TINA said...

i follow you on google friend direct!

TINA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TINA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TINA said...

i like the charm factory on facebook!

TINA said...

i like the charm factory on facebook!

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/25012969549074432

Anonymous said...

I am your GFC follower.(kellyr78) If I won , I would choose the Amethyst Bracelet with Crystal Hearts


Anonymous said...

I like the Charm Factory on FB (kelly D)

Anonymous said...

I am following the charm factory on twitter (kellywcu)

Anonymous said...

Following Six in the next on twitter (kellywcu)

Anonymous said...

Like Six in the nest on FB (kelly D)

Anonymous said...

Tweeted giveaway!/Kellywcu/status/25199032464834560


Anonymous said...

Shared giveaway on my FB!/kellywcu/posts/181837061838696


409cope said...

I voted for you. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I voted for you.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Follow on GFC

I would pick the Peace Charm Bracelet

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot ocm

Unknown said...

Like Charm Factory on Facebook (Lori Berman)

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot ocm

Unknown said...

I follow Charm Factory on Twitter @snowluvnferret2

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot ocm

Unknown said...

Follow Six in The Nest on Twitter @snowluvnferret2

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot ocm

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/25808777039060992

409cope said...

I voted today.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/26109821140865024

409cope said...

I voted for you today.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Ashley H said...

I would choose the silver star bracelet I follow on GFC agatewood1

Ashley H said...

Charm factory facebook liker

Ashley H said...

Charm factory twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said...

voted for you on picket fence blogs

409cope said...

I voted today! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Allie said...

I like the Silver Star Bracelet!

(I'm a follower through GFC via allieclark11)

Allie said...

I liked Charm Factory on Facebook.

Allie Clark

Allie said...

I liked Six in the Nest on Facebook!

Allie said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/26906161567498240

409cope said...

I voted for you today! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/27260035549630464

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!

pmj said...

I like the peace bracelet
gfc follower
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

fb fan of charm factory
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

twitter follower of charm factory
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

twitter follower of six in the nest
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

fb fan of six in the nest
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

PF voter
pjames330 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I follow (happi shopr) and would choose the awareness bracelet. We lost Daddy in October last year to colon cancer. I miss him so much! trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

XmasDolly said...!/XmasDolly/status/27473415011041280

409cope said...

I voted for you today! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

wcc said...

I would love to get the Silver Heart Bracelet. Thanks for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I like Charm Factory on Facebook (username: Les Cerises).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I follow Charm Factory on twitter (@whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I follow you on twitter (@whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I like you on Facebook (username: Les Cerises).
whitechocolatecherries at

Michelle B said...

Following your blog publicly
on GFC

Michelle B said...

I like the Autism bracelet

Michelle B said...

Liked charm factory on FB
shelly d

Michelle B said...

Following charm factory on twitter

Michelle B said...

Following you on twitter 86_angel

Michelle B said...

Liked you on FB shelly d

Michelle B said...

Voted for you on picket fence blogs

Jessica King said...

I would choose the Joyful Colors Swarovski Heart Bracelet
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Like Charm Factory on FB
Jessica S King
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Following Charm Factory on Twitter
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Following Six in the Nest on Twitter
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Like Six in the Nest on FB
Jessica S King
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Voted on Picket fences 1/19
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Shared on FB!/permalink.php?story_fbid=186111038074973&id=100001860244138
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

409cope said...

I voted for you today! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

tina reynolds said...

I really like Joyful Colors Swarovski Heart Bracelet thanks so much for the chance to win

tina reynolds said...

I follow charm factory on facebook (mrstinareynolds

tina reynolds said...

I follow charm factory on twitter @mrstinareynolds

tina reynolds said...

I follow six in the the nest on twitter @mrstinareynolds

tina reynolds said...

I like six in the nest on facebook (mrstinareynolds

mail4rosey said...

I follow on GFC (mail4rosey).
I would choose the Silver Star Charm Bracelet.

mail4rosey said...

I like Charm Factory on FB (Sarah Smile).

mail4rosey said...

I follow FB on Twitter (mail4rosey).

mail4rosey said...

I like you on FB (Sarah Smile).

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