Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bendaroos Review and Giveaway! CLOSED

If you are a parent, and your children watch TV, you have probably seen the commercial for Bendaroos. We sure have, and the boys were very excited when we received our pack of Bendaroos to try out!

We received the SpongeBob Squarepants Bendaroos pack!

The set came with a LOT of Bendaroos, 


There was also 4 neat templates to use so that you can make the SpongeBob characters, and a Bikini Bottom  playmat (that is like a large poster). 

Here are some pictures of the boys using them:


 I had Liam (5), RJ (6), and Gavin (7) try them out.
They all picked out the character they wanted to make.

Liam gave up almost immediately. It was just plain too hard for him to do and caused him too much frustration. I tried to get him to do something free form, but he wasn't interested- he wanted to do a SpongeBob character since the kit was for SpongeBob.

Gavin also got VERY frustrated, but I was able to encourage him to keep trying. Gavin didn't understand how to use the template very well. He didn't grasp that you were supposed to copy it. However, with some guidance and assistance he was able to complete Gary. He was pretty happy with the end result.

RJ really enjoyed Bendaroos! The entire time he was very enthusiastic to find out what the next step to make SpongeBob was. He made SpongeBob almost completely by himself (I helped with the eyelashes and outline of the eyes). RJ found the templates easy to follow.

 I wouldn't recommend having younger kids try the templates by themselves. The templates can be difficult and there is cutting involved (of the Bendaroos), so I would highly recommend playing with your children. 

I, personally, thought that they were really sticky. The Bendaroos come separated into colors, each color in their own ziplock bag. Because the Bendaroos are sticky, it was very hard to get them out of these packs. I also found that it was difficult to get the creations off the templates without them breaking. Perhaps I didn't have enough practice (this was our only time using the Bendaroos)?

 I wasn't too excited about Bendaroos. I hated the feeling of them (but I'm an adult; the kids didn't seem to mind) they seemed sticky and left a funny residue on my fingers. I did find the templates to be very useful and I was even able to create my own SpongeBob character, Squidward:

Bendaroos has a neat page on their site for Parents, Educators, and a For Fun kid's page. These pages have interesting projects and ways to use for Bendaroos.

While I didn't love Bendaroos, I do think that they are worth trying for $14.99 (which is the retail value of the SpongeBob Squarepants set). Your child may love them, like RJ did, or they may be frustrated like Gavin and Liam, however you never know until you try them.

If you do want to try Bendaroos, check out their Facebook Page where you can find a coupon for $3 off, or...enter the giveaway below!

Bendaroos has offered a Six in the Nest reader the same Bendaroos set that I reviewed!

Mandatory Entries
 You must be a public Google Friend Connect follower of Six in the Nest to enter any
 Six in the Nest giveaways.

These entries are all REQUIRED.
Post one Comment per entry, all entries MUST include your email!

1 entry- Tell me which Bendaroos set you think your children would like best.
1 entry- Like Bendaroos on Facebook

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 They can enter the giveaway as well if they comment again with their email for the mandatory entry.
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This can be done as many times as you would like!

. Giveaway will close 1/21/2011 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen with Random.org and given 48 hours to reply to the email I send, if no reply, a new winner will be chosen. 

I received the above product free of charge for the purpose of the review. All opinions in this post are my own and not influenced by the free product I received. I received no monetary compensation.

38 fantastic comments:

Pippi's Mom said...

We bought the bendaroos last year. The kids were excited at first but that wore off pretty fast. My kids are pretty creative and couldn't get their ideas to work - or to stick. Also, they pick up dog hair and anything else the vacuum might have missed. All in all, they are great for use at a restaurant while waiting (that's where we were introduced to them) but not so great at home.

ashleynichole said...

I would love to try the sweets and treats :)

brightbird said...

my son would of course love sponge bob.

Diane said...

GFC follower and I think she would like the Glow in the Dark Mega Pack

Diane said...

I like bendaroos on FB im Diane MeHimANdTheCats

Diane said...

Follow Six in the Nest on Twitter im @dwalline

Diane said...

I Like Six in the Nest on Facebook im Diane MeHimAndTheCats

Mama Bre' said...

My daughters would like the glow in the dark set.
kambres at gmail dot com

Mama Bre' said...

I am a fan of Bendaroos on Facebook
kambres at gmail dot com

Mama Bre' said...

I like you on Facebook
kambres at gmail dot com

Cakeblast said...

I follow you on GFC as "Cakeblast"

Besides the Spongebob set, I think my son would like the Building Sticks In Rainbow, Neon & Glow in the Dark Colors!
cakeblast [at] gmail [dot]comfc

Cakeblast said...

I "Like" Bendaroos on Facebook

cakeblast [ at ] gmail {dot} com

Cakeblast said...

I follow SixInTheNest on twitter as @cakeblast

Allie said...

I followed through GFC! (allieclark11)


Allie said...

I would definitely choose the Sweets & Treats set!


Allie said...

I liked Bendaroos on Facebook!

Allie Clark


Allie said...
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Allie said...
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Allie said...

I liked you on Facebook!


Allie said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!


pmj said...

I think the kids would like the sponge bob set
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

FB fan of bendaroos
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

twitter follower-pj436
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

PF voter
pjames330 at aol dot com

pridelandmama said...
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pridelandmama said...

I like bendaroos on facebook pridelandmama@hotmail.com

pridelandmama said...

My sons would love the glow in the dark set. pridelandmama(at)hotmail.com

Jessica King said...

I think mine would like the Glow in the Dark set!
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Liked Bendaroos on FB
Jessica S King
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Liked SitN on FB
Jessica S King
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

Jessica King said...

Voted on Picket Fences 1/19
Sweet20j at Yahoo dot Com

karenmed409 said...

I think they would love the Glow in the Dark Mega Pack
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said...

Like Bendaroos on Facebook
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said...

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karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said...

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karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said...

Voteed for Six in the Nest on Picket Fence Blogs today
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

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