Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So..... I PASSED!

In case any of you didn't see my Facebook and Twitter posts yesterday, I did in fact pass my USPS driving test!  I received my official offer of employment today, and I go for my physical on Friday! I am VERY excited, and the local post office that I am being hired for has been SOOOO fantastic! They have been routing for me every step of the way!

I will still be working as a CNA, and I will still be blogging.... I will just be delivering mail now as well! 

Thank you ALL for your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers!

3 fantastic comments:

The Host said...

Congratulations! I hope all goes well with the new job.

Terri said...

CONGRATS! The folks at my local post office are really wonderful. Good luck to you! :-)

Literary Winner said...

Congrats! I always wanted to work for the USPS. :)

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