Your Name: Sarah
Where do you blog?
How did you decide on what to name your blog? That was tough. I raked my brain over that for days. Then I just typed in Sarahs Blog Of Fun, because I couldn't think of anything else. I just started my blog to enter giveaways anyway, so why did it matter. I never would have thought my site would be what it is today!!
Tell us a little bit about you....
Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and 5 of your least favorite things...
5 Favorite Things-
Free stuff
5 Least Favorite Things-
Getting Old
Only 24 hours in the day
Not working with my Husband anymore (we both worked the same job for 8 years and saw each other all day!!)
Greedy people
Loosing money in the stock market!!
When and why did you start blogging? I opened my blog in December 2009, but I really didn't start using it until April 2010. Like I said above, I only opened it to enter giveaways. Then when I saw people doing reviews, I figured "Hey, I can do that too!!" Then I started playing games on my site to try to make my blog different. Now it's what it is today- HUGE!!! lol
What do you blog about? You name it, I blog about it. Family, Deals, Reviews, Giveaways, Funny stories and pictures. I once wrote a post about doggie dentures!!!
What does your family think of your blog? Do they read it? My Family loves it!! Hubby, because I get a lot of neat new products he has never heard of or tried, and because I make money off of it now. With all my hard work over the last year, I won't have to pay for any christmas presents!! The same goes for the rest of my family. My parents love to see what I get, and they love when they get to help review stuff too!!
When do you find the time to blog? Well, I have two small kids, a hubby, dog, out of the house job, and some medical issues, so I never know when I am going to be on here. I at least try for an hour a day. Somedays I am up all night to get work done!!
What is your favorite blog post ever? Right now I have to say Shampoo Warning- Must Read!! This post has gone wild!!! I have had over 100,000 people view it. It's crazy!!!
What is your favorite item you ever reviewed? I haven't written about it yet, but it's an awesome item. I received a 26 " Mirror Television for my bathroom. I am hoping to have it up soon!!!
What brand or product would you really like to work with/review? This is a tough question. There are a lot of companies I want to work with. Hoover, Whirl Pool, Omaha Steaks, Ford!!!! (Hint Hint!!!)
What has been your biggest blogging challenge, how did you overcome it? Learning. There is sooooo much to learn to do this job. There is always a new social media site to join, a new paid post site, etc. I haven't overcome it, and I hope I never do!!! Learning all the new things makes my job fun!!!
What is the best advice or knowledge that you have found? Ask questions. Bloggers are AWESOME people who are more then willing to help you out (me included!!!) If you don't understand something, just ask.
What advice would you give a new blogger? Set realistic goals. Do not think your site is going to make you millions with in a year. It takes a lot of time and hard work to get to the million mark!!! Has anyone hit that point yet?? lol
What widget or feature could you not live without? Rafflecopter. At first I didn't like it, but now I love it. It makes writing, and entering giveaways a lot faster.
What are your favorite blogs to read? I have a lot of them!! These are the ones I read the most. I have been following them for a long time-
Simply Stacie-
Hip 2 Save-
Thanks, Mail Carrier-
For The Mommas-
Klippin Krazy-
Where can we find you?
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