Thursday, October 13, 2011

ColorTime Review and #Giveaway!

My kids love to color... trust me, if I showed you our walls you would know! They also LOVE Halloween! We love dressing up and going to the local nursing home that I work at to collect candy. 

However... our candy collection bags usually aren't the "coolest".  We've usually used some reusable totes from our local grocery store...well not this year!

Colortime Crafts and Markers sent us four Halloween tote bags and a set of fabric markers for review!

We received these great Halloween Trick or Treat totes! They will be perfect for our fun night out!

We also received a set of the Bold Fabric Markers.

The kids were more than excited to color their bags... they couldn't believe they got to choose how they were colored!

These totes are fantastic. They are much higher quality than I expected... really, they are. They aren't thin at all, they are thick, sturdy totes! I was a little oncerned that my kids would make the markers bleed through the fabric. Even though the instructions said to only place a paper towel in the totes while coloring, I placed cardboard in the totes. I didn't have an issue with the markers bleeding through though, only a couple spots ended up on our cardboard. I am sure the paper towels would have been enough.

We really enjoyed this activity, and I do believe we will do it annually now! I think this will be a fun activity to do each October, and it is something that the kids can keep and use to see how their artistic ability changed through their childhood years!

Be sure to check out Colortime's Facebook page for some Halloween deals!


Be sure to read and follow the instructions. I verify all winning entries.

I received products from Colortime for the purpose of this review. I received no monetary compensation and all opinions are my own.

33 fantastic comments:

Nadia's Notions said...

Arts and crafts are not that big in our family, however when I make the effort the kids LOVE to do them!!

We always buy our Halloween costumes. If I was more crafty, I'd definitely make them.

Nadia A.

~Laurie~ said...

Hi Jenilee!
In our family, we go through ebbs and tides with arts and crafts. When my children were younger it was a lot easier! My daughter (9) and I like to work together on projects - especially because she has such an awesome eye for color and I like to quilt.

We usually make our own costumes - which tends to be crazy as it gets closer to Halloween - I am a huge procrastinator and was always freaking out that I didn't have the requirements for the costumes on hand. Now, I ask the kids to start thinking early about Halloween so I'm not so panicked! Plus, the kids are older now and costumes are almost a thing of the past in our family. It was so much fun though - I treasure the old pictures!!

Kristie said...

We love arts and crafts here! We do them all the time from fall to spring...summer we're too busy outside :-)

We haven't had to buy a Halloween costume since the kids were babies...they usually just use their dress-up clothes to make their costumes :-)

Kristie N.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com


We area very Crafty family..try to make own costumes.
Marcy S.

Tabitha said...

Yes arts and crafts are big and I buy the costumes

AvroraD said...

We try out a new craft activity every holiday season, in order to make gifts. Our most recent effort was making soap!

sarah shult said...

I am a huge fan of crafts for the family, I even have a room full of supplies:)
I am making my son a transformer costume from boxes & for my daughter we are making her a bunny costume. I have another little girl that we are still trying to decide what costume to make for her!
Sarah S.

JLJMommy said...

Arts and crafts are huge at our house. Lots of painting, coloring and crafting. We've lucky so far to have hand-me-down costumes from friends but are making one of the three this year.
Kimberlie T. (JLJMommy)

kellyr78 said...

My 3 and 6 yr olds love drawing and arts and crafts. I usually buy their costumes, since I don't enjoy crafts as much as they do.

Kelly D


Jody Sisson said...

We do a lot of arts and crafts and I buy Halloween costumes

Jody S.

jodysis at windstream dot net

Amy said...

I love arts and crafts. It's my hope that Little Bit will be a fan also :D

Paul and Missy Kluesner said...

I am very big about doing arts and crafts. My child is only 9 months old so she isn't doing anything yet, but I plan on always having some type of arts and crafts available for her as she gets older. I think it helps with creativity!! And I haven't done Halloween with her yet, but I think I'll probably buy her costumes...maybe I'll make something if I feel creative.
initials: MK

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

we make our own then laugh when people try to guess what we are
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Ms Janet said...

Arts and crafts is big among my sisters and me. We do both depending on what we plan to be for Halloween. This year we will be making ours.

Janet H.

Birdie S. said...

My girls are quite crafty we love doing art projects & yes its a big deal in our house Im not so artsy so we buy our H. costumes to avoid embarassment..

Nicole said...

We love arts and crafts, even if we aren't good at them! And we mostly buy costumes, or borrow them. Sometimes I put the pieces together from other costumes or outfits, but I am not crafty enough to make a costume myself!
Nicole H

Darcie K. said...

My daughter lives for arts and crafts! Sometimes we make our costumes but other times we buy them and them embellish them!

Allison said...

arts and crafts are big in our family, i was an art major in college and i'm pretty crafty. i'm making our costumes this year (made mine and hubby's last year, baby girl's was store bought -a gift from mil). this year we are going as the flintstones!

allisonmdodge at gmail dot com

Michelle Frame said...

Arts and crafts are huge in our family. I sew all the kids costumes as well as most of the girl's dresses.
Michelle F.

debijackson said...

crafts are huge for me and i love making costumes for everyone

debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Anna F said...

I do love to do craft with my children - a few times a week.
I also just buy our costumes for halooween.
I used to make them but not anymore
anna f

Terri said...

Years ago I loved doing arts & crafts with my 2 kids. Now I'm doing them with my granddaughter & we have lots of fun. I used to create my kids costumes and now my daughter is doing the same - she's creating my granddaughter's costumes and occasionally she will buy a ready-made costume.

Nicole C. said...

We don't normally make our own costumes, but my daughter loves to do arts and crafts.


Hippie4ever said...

sometimes art is big sometimes not.
We don't celebrate Halloween, hoping there are other colorable totes
Hippie4ever will be the name :)

Ronda peyton said...

arts and crafts are big for me i have done crafts when my kids were little and now with the grandkids, i made the halloween outfits for my kids and we had a great time with them and i hope to make the grandkids outfits for them also
ronda p
rondasieg at yahoo dot com

Jenn S. said...

Arts and Crafts are huge in our family, we love making decorations and gifts. If the costume , can be made fairly easily at home , we will make it.

Erica C. said...

We like to do arts & crafts. We usually buy the main part of our halloween costumes, but we like to create our own accessories.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I grew up in a very artistic family and have carried the tradition over into my family.
Whether it's drawing, painting, or creating it's a big part of our life.

We usually create our own Halloween costumes.

Jill Myrick @ jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com

Unknown said...

Are arts and crafts big in your family? Yes, especially my 12 year olkd.

Do you create or buy your halloween costumes? We are creating this year.

Angela C,

Trista Anderson said...

My boys and I love doing arts and crafts and their costumes we got this year but have made costumes in the past said...

We are a big craft family and I prefer to make our costumes.
Diane Baum

pauline15 said...

Pauline M
We do like to complete arts & crafts but usually around this time, it's school projects. As for halloween costumes, I always have grand ideas, but I always end up purchasing them.

Unknown said...

we love arts and crafts
we buy are costumes
amy d

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