Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monster Vapor and Courage Concoction Review

Aww... what a cute little monster up there! I would love a monster like that in my room.... but my kids, no, they would rather have a monster free home. 

Well, good thing Monster Vapor is here! And, to give my kids and extra boost there is Courage Concoction as well!

What am I talking about? I am talking about a couple of awesome products from Bravery in a Bottle

We received Monster Vapor and Courage Concoction for review...

These aroma-therapeutic sprays smell amazing.

MONSTER VAPOR - relaxing blend includes...

Lavender - Treats migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tensions, and emotional stress.  Induces sleep.  Excellent pain reliever.  Boosts immunity.  Bug repellent.

Lemon - Relieves stress.  Combats insomnia.  Boosts the immune system.

Mandarin - Antiseptic, nervous relaxant, sedative, boosts the immune system.

Rosewood - Antidepressant, antiseptic, analgesic, insecticide.

Orange - Antidepressant, antiseptic, sedative

All ingredients, in all sprays, are 100% natural- Purified water, essencial oils, and citric acid (natural preservative).

Funny, and true, story about monster vapor:  I had just cleaned the upstairs, which consists of two bedrooms for my children. I had sat down to fold some laundry when all of the sudden I smell some lemon. I think to myself about what the scent could be, but I couldn't figure it out. Then I head to the kitchen and start doing some cleaning there too...and again, the lemon scent. I wasn't using any lemon cleaning products so I couldn't figure it out. I headed to my bedroom and as I walk past the stairs the smell gets strong! What do I find upstairs? My boys are ridding their newly cleaned rooms from monsters with Monster Vapor. All the ruckus of cleaning disturbed those monsters and they had to be scared away again!   The kids had used well over half the bottle! I am so thankful that the Monster Vapor is safe for use by kids, and I really do love how great it smells. 


Basil - Antibacterial.  Combats stress disorder.  Calming.  Pain reliever.  Alleviates respiratory problems.

Cypress - Antiseptic.  Sedative.  Relieves stress & anxiety.  Respiratory tonic.

Eucalyptus - Antiviral & antibacterial - disinfects the air.  Bug repellent.  Antiseptic.  Combats exhaustion & mental sluggishness.  Lifts the spirits.  Heals insect bites and stings.  Excellent to heal wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, and sores.  Room freshener.

Ginger - Relieves nausea.  Alleviates respiratory problems.  Reduces stress.  Reduces inflammation and pain.

Lavender - Treats migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tensions, and emotional stress.  Induces sleep.  Excellent pain reliever.  Boosts immunity.  Bug repellent.
- Relieves stress.  Combats insomnia.  Boosts the immune system.

Orange - Antidepressant, antiseptic, sedative.

Peppermint - Remedy for nausea.  Stress reliever.  Increases immunity.  Alleviates respiratory problems.

Ravensara - Anti-allergenic.  Antibacterial & antimicrobial.  Antidepressant.  Anti-fungal.  Antiseptic.  Antiviral.  Disinfectant.  Relaxant.

Another amusing moment was when the older boys were getting ready for school... they decided they all needed a little bit of extra courage to face the day ahead and I found them all spraying each other with Courage Concoction

All of the sprays by Bravery in a Bottle come in high quality, lined, aluminum bottles. You can also purchase refills for when your courage is running a little low! ;) Both of the sprays we received smell wonderful, and I am happy to spray them in my home and feel confident to have them sprayed around my children. 

I really love Bravery in a Bottle products... Monster Vapor and Courage Concoction have both shown how well they work with the kids. I highly recommend these products, they are very high quality and come with many benefits!

You can also find Monster Vapor on Facebook!

I was provided with the mentioned products free of charge so that I could provide you, the readers, with a review of the products. I was not compensated monetarily for this post. All opinions are my own. You may have a different experience with the product than my own.

2 fantastic comments:

Unknown said...

This is so awesome! Thank you for the review...I know multiple children (and even adults) I am putting this on my 'need to get' lists for :)

Six in the Nest said...

Definitely a great product, Crystal. You won't be disappointed!

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