Thursday, July 28, 2011

Money Savvy Pig Review and Giveaway!


You know what I wish I had been taught at an earlier age? How to manage my money. Now, I have never been one who is too extravagant with the spending, but there is still so much that I don't know about managing money!

The Money Savvy Pig is a unique piggy bank that helps children learn how to manage their money. 

Money Savvy Pig

The Money Savvy Pig gives the child control of their money by providing choices. The child chooses the goals they want to set for each slot, ex. saving for a new bike, donating to their school's library, or investing in their college education. The child then can choose where the money should go. These choices are choices that the child will need to make throughout his or her future, so it is good to establish good habits now.

We gave the Money Savvy Pig that we received for review to Liam. Liam is 6 years old.

 We have been trying to help our children understand that money doesn't come easily, and it isn't something that you should waste. We hear a lot of "why"s when we tell our children that they can't have the newest toy, and often we have to explain to them that we just can't afford to purchase everything they want to have.

Liam chose to not have a specific goal for his save slot, he just wants to fill it up. In fact the only slot that has a specific goal is the donate slot. Liam wants to send money to the hungry and sick children in Africa (which we saw on a news program), so that they can eat.

Liam has become very aware of his money now, if he finds a penny, he wants to put it in his piggy bank right away. He loves to see the slots filling up, and we love that he is filling them up at about the same rate. Liam has chose, on his own, to divide his money up between the slots evenly. This was pretty surprising to me, I thought for sure he would be filling up the spend slot the most!

Overall, I am impressed with the Money Saving Pig, and how Liam has interacted with it. I love that the Money Savvy Pig has brought up the subject of money management with our children, it has been a great lead into our implementation of chores.

The Money Savvy Pig retails for $16.99 and comes in several colors. Included with the Money Savvy Pig is a sheet of goal stickers and a helpful guide on how to use the product. The money is removable, each slot opens up through one of the pig's four legs- no "breaking the bank" required!


41 fantastic comments:

Sharyn B said...

I would like the green one - the color of money : )




Diane said...

Green is her favorite color so that is what it would pick!

littleangel_mw said...

Would love to get the blue one for my son.

(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

I'm Just a Girl said...

I would want the blue. It's my sons favorite color!

clynsg said...

I would pick the red one.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

Hmmm, probably green piggy :)
sabrina radke
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Joy N. said...



Alisha L. said...

Red :)

AJ said...

Green! :)

jaz said...

green my sons' favorite color.

felinergirl said...

Blue is my son's favorite color.

Discovering the Me in Mommy said...


Anonymous said...


Jodi said...

I would love the green if i were to win!

HomemadeBaby said...

I would get pink, for my daughter :)
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Anonymous said...

red for us please
tcogbill at live dot com

Sabrina said...

Green please!
Sabrina.Vaccaro at hotmail dot com

Mandy said...

Pink or purple!

AvroraD said...

I would choose green. Nice and gender-neutral.

avroradavidovna at gmail dot com

Diana said...


Heather S. said...

Green please!
hschonrock at yahoo dot com

tina reynolds said...

i would pick green thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

Green please
kershuk at comcast dot net

coleycoupons said...

I would love the green one!!
coleycoupons (at)

cassiesmom1008 said...

id love the green one
jamie gentile

Nancye said...

I would like to have the purple one. Thanks for the chance!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Anne D. said...

I'd pick blue:) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Farrah Shumway said...

I would choose blue :)

AndreaH said...

I would want the blue color.

davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

Ericka said...

I would love this in purple :)

ericka082 At gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I would want the blue pig.

supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

Laurie said...

would like purple

Unknown said...

i would pick pink

BKWilliams said...

This is one of the neatest things I have seen to teach children about money.

April said...

I would like the red one


lewalk said...

I think the red one. So pretty. I love this idea.


jadavis said...


ShinyIndigo said...

Purple would be great!

lara at twiceblessedlife dot com

monte said...

love the green one

@nola727 said...

Thanks for the review and chance to win. Love the green piggy

nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

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