If you make milk too... I have a product you'll want to hear about!
The Simplisse Double Electric Breast Pump is a pump that is different. The Simplisse pump was designed by lactation consultants and moms to feel like breastfeeding. If you an experienced pumper, you may be familiar with pumps that tug painfully at your nipple. The Simplisse pump is a lot more gentle. I'll get into that more in a bit. First, I want to show you what the Simplisse Double Electric Breast Pump includes....

The Simplisse pump comes in a stylish bag (awesome!). I was very impressed with this bag, it seems a lot more like a purse than others that I have seen so it's much more discreet. The actual pump portion is fairly small, and it's neatly tucked away in a zippered section of the bag.
Included with the pump is...
Two collection units
Air tubing
Two extra collection bottles
An insulated cooler bag with two ice gel packs
Wet bag for parts
10 breastmilk bags
4 breast pads
Product manual
My favorite feature of this pump has to be how it feels when expressing my milk. It isn't painful. I've been pumping since Luke was born. Exclusively pumping for the first month of his life. The hospital pumps and my first electric pump tugged on my nipples and breasts causing discomfort and sometimes pain. The Simplisse pump has a very, very flexible and soft breastcup. The opening for your nipple is smaller as well. At first I was concerned about how small this opening was; I didn't think it would fit my breasts. I was surprised when it took in just the nipple.
When I turned the pump on I was also surprised that it didn't feel like it was working. It didn't feel like my other pump... it didn't seem to have that suction. I waited a moment, then another... and finally my milk letdown came and I realized how nicely the Simplisse pump expressed milk. When I say nice, I mean nice like kind. It wasn't harsh on my nipples!
The box warns that if you currently use an electric pump you may not get as much milk for the first few uses while your breasts adjust. I was ecstatic when I actually expressed more milk than usual. I honestly think this is because I was more relaxed and that allowed for greater letdown of my milk.
If I could change one thing about the Simplisse pump it would be the expression units. While they allow for the comfort I just talked about, they are also quite detailed. There are many, many parts to take apart and put back together when cleaning. I kept the instructions next to my sink so I could use them when I needed to put the expression units back together. After enough cleanings I was able to put the units together without the manual, but it definitely takes a few times to remember how they go back together.
Of course as its name suggests, the Simplisse Double Electric Pump is run on electricity. Plug it in and turn it on and away you go! Okay, okay... you won't go anywhere, but your milk will! The pump is a little louder than others I have had, but it is something you get used to over time.
Overall I would recommend the Simplisse pump for breastfeeding mothers. If you have had any difficulty with your current pump being to harsh for you the Simplisse Double Electric Pump might be just the pump for you!
I received the Simplisse pump free of charge to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received for this review.
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