Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Funny- Percy Kitty

Percy says, "Hi!"

Yes, my cat has thumbs. I would like to put a mitten on his little paw! Seriously, how cute would that be? Anyhow, this trait makes Percy a Polydactyl cat. We believe Percy is likely to be part Maine Coon breed... but mostly, we just think Percy is too cute!

6 fantastic comments:

neca84 said...

have to agree Percy is too cute

neca84 said...

have to agree Percy is too cute

Shanda said...

AW...nothing cutter than a kitty

Unknown said...

Aww, he's adorable!!!! My friend has 2 6-toed cats. They use their paws as hands, it's so neat!

Nadia's Notions said...

He is adorable!!! You have to post this to Pinterest. He is the cutest!!! I want to cuddle him so bad. :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

you posts are awesome

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