Oh yes, you read that title correctly. We finally did it.... we went camping.
This surprise vacation was the first camping trip we have been on as a family.... and we did it with all six kids in tow!
It all started out as a day trip to go to my family reunion. We had considered camping, if we could, but nothing was set in stone and nothing was packed. Well, long story short.... at the end of the day we decided to stay. So my wonderful husband went home and gather the needed things for an overnight stay, including our tent and clothing.
Okay, day one over, we are now on Sunday. We are almost all packed up, everything but the tent is ready to go.... my cousin says we should stay. Well, we think, why not? So another day we shall stay. :)
The next morning, we start to pack again.... then we think, why not make a vacation of it? There isn't anything we HAVE to do that can't be rescheduled. So, we stay.... and this time we decide to stay for a while! No more packing!!!!!
We had so much fun. It wasn't always easy with six little ones....but it was still SO nice. No T.V., no computer, no fridge, no video games, back to basic life! We enjoyed nature and our family.
The kids climbed trees....

We ate lots of food and got really dirty...

And there were lots of smiles...
There was swimming, and sunburns, campfires and tuckered out kids...

A gorgeous sunset and a beautiful moon...
We even had an interesting visit from a couple of skunks! Thankfully no stink was left, but the campground did manage to capture this sneaky creature.
Through all the craziness of keeping six children in a campsite, putting them to bed in sleeping bags in a tent, and eating from a cooler we managed to have fun and enjoy the time together. It is a week I wont soon forget, and one I hope to recreate again. My family is so blessed to live in such an amazing place in the world, and we are even more blessed to have one another.
3 fantastic comments:
congrats on the camping! We have such great memories (and photos) of our family camping trips!
Awesome! We just got back from a 4 day camping trip with just 2 little ones! My 3 month old got an eye infection at 4am on the last morning, otherwise it was a blast!
First, I love your new background!!! Second, I am so happy you were able to spend such a wonderful week with your family. :) I can't wait till our families get to do it together next year!
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