This week's featured blogger is Lori from Freebies & Cheapies, hope you enjoy reading about her and her blog!

Your Name: Lori (AKA Mia)
Where do you blog? Freebies & Cheapies (
and Mia's Musings (
How did you decide on what to name your blog? Pretty much kept trying until I found something that was available.
Tell us a little bit about you....I am a forty-something year-old mom of a precious 4 year old boy. After having lost a twin pregnancy in 2000, I never thought I would be a mom-he was a true gift from God. I quit my job of 10 years to be able to stay home with him. Things are pretty tight around here but it is worth every minute to be able to stay home with him.
Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and 5 of your least favorite things...
Favorite things:
- My son
- My dogs-Sadee, Rambo and Sophie (also known as Puppy Pia)
- Camaros
- Music
- My fish
Least favorite things:
- Being broke all of the time
- High electric bills
- Selfish people
- People expecting me to do everything for them because I don't have a J-O-B
- Housework
When and why did you start blogging? I decided to blog to see if I could make a few dollars here and there. So far, I am not making much but I am having a good time with it and have met some awesome bloggers!
What do you blog about? At Freebies & Cheapies, I blog about coupons and saving money. I decided to start Mia's Musings so I could diversify and post about other things.
What does your family think of your blog? Do they read it? My mom is 85-she used to play games online but has moved in with my older sister and they, nor my other sister, ever get online. I do have a few cousins that like the coupons deals and freebies.
When do you find the time to blog? Not sure, LOL! I pretty much spend all day online but seem to get lost in cyberspace here lately. I am trying to set a schedule to go by so I can hold myself accountable if I don't get something done.
What advice would you give a new blogger? Take it slow and find a few friends that blog to give much needed support when you need it.
What are your favorite blogs to read? Too many to pick favorites!
Where can we find you?
Freebies & Cheapies on Facebook (
Mia's Musings on Facebook (
Mommymia on Twitter (
Thank you to Lori for sharing with us this week! It was so nice to get to know her. Please take a moment to
Thank you to Lori for sharing with us this week! It was so nice to get to know her. Please take a moment to
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