Monday, December 2, 2013

Those Precious Firsts! #DDDivas #SwaddlersFirsts #Giveaway #Party

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

It's always amazing as a parent to witness your child's firsts. The first diaper, the first bath, the first word: all such precious moments. It's one thing that I have very much cherished over the years. Now we are looking at the very likely possibility that Orrin's firsts will be our last firsts! That's enough to make this Momma tear up!

From the first cry in the hospital, to seeing that teeny tiny diaper that they wear their first day of life, to their first steps and first word- it's all magical and something that is held closely to my heart. 

Orrin's first diaper was Pampers Swaddlers, and they are the diapers we have chosen to use with all of the kids when they were babies, we loved Swaddlers and were always sad to see our babies grow out of them. Now they don't have to! Pampers Swaddlers are available up to size 5! This is awesome because they are our favorite disposable diaper!

To celebrate, come join us for a great party with some amazing prizes!

#SwaddlersFirsts Twitter Party Information:
The Twitter Party will take place on December 5th at 9pm EST.  
Prizes include:
3- Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs, ARV ($250), which include:
·       Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
·       Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
·       Baby’s First Words Book
·       Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
·       $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
·       Baby’s First Bath Robe
·       Pampers Swaddlers
Grand Prize: Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!
To participate, follow hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers.

     From your baby’s first smile to their first step, Swaddlers can now be there for many more firsts to come! To celebrate Swaddlers sizes 4 & 5, Pampers has 30 days of incredible giveaways and a grand prize of FREE Swaddlers diapers & wipes for a year. Join the celebration and enter our 30 days of sweeps on the Pampers Facebook page where you can win daily prize bundles, plus the grand prize of free Swaddlers diapers & wipes for one year!  

    We've also been given the chance to host an amazing giveaway. 
    You won't want to miss this, so enter now below!

    21 fantastic comments:

    Amy said...

    my favorite first was the first day home. just holding him in our house... no nurses... just peace.
    my other favorite was when i caught him smiling for the first time...

    nickieisis3 said...

    my son's first tummy time

    CindyWindy2003 said...

    favorite babies first is first words, loved hearing that sweet voice.

    Kristie said...

    My favorite firsts were when the kids started crawling.

    Cop-MonsteR said...

    I love when the baby first starts to coo.

    Sarah Hayes said...

    i love the first time she said mommy

    VickieC said...

    hearing Mama for the first time

    Emilie Proctor said...

    I love baby's first smile!

    sweepmom said...

    My favorite is the first Smile, melts my heart.

    Heavensangel2387 said...

    I love when my twins first started talking to each other! IT was so cute!
    Desiree H

    Mudpiesandtiaras said...

    I love the first coos :)

    8KidzForMe said...

    First smile is my favorite first.
    ~Sandra U.

    Unknown said...

    my daughters first word was "armadillo" :)

    Cinderella10383 said...

    My favorite first with my youngest son is the day we brought him home. After We came in my son started to fuss. My hubby decided to pick him up and rock him. He sat on the couch as they both fell asleep I took a picture of them and this is still my favorite. It was the first time that my so fell asleep on my husband. And it was my sons first picture at home.

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

    DesiredOne said...

    My favorite first is the giggle!

    Allison Downes said...

    First smile is my favorite

    Thank you for the chance to win!

    Quantmlife said...

    Cindy B (on rc/fb) ~ loved his first good impromptu belly laugh

    Dawn said...

    The first laugh is my absolute favorite.

    Janell wagner said...

    the first smile :-)

    petchk79 said...

    first giggle for sure, it is so precious!!

    Puddles and Poop said...

    Their first smile. It is the best!

    Erin K. (

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