I have received product for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
My daughter, Annabelle, loves to have her nails painted. But, the truth is, most nail polish really isn't all that child-friendly nor is it very healthy. So many nail polishes are created with harmful chemicals. Thankfully Melanie Hurley, the founder of Piggy Paint, was concerned about those chemicals, too. One day, as Melanie was painting her two daughters' fingers and toes, she noticed that their "kid friendly" nail polish ate right through a Styrofoam plate. Yikes. These kids are putting this stuff in their mouths! Yeah, that can't be good. So, the quest was on and eventually Piggy Paint came in with its water based formula that is non-flammable and does NOT eat through Styrofoam!
Annabelle was so excited to receive the Color Me Happy gift set for review. No, really...check out this silly smile to prove it!
The vibrant, fun colors of Piggy Paint are sure to please your little princess. I know Annabelle LOVES hers. She nearly almost always picks pink, but thankfully Piggy Paint doesn't disappoint and there are different shades of pink to choose from.
So, one night after her bath, we had a girl's night and painted our piggies... and our fingernails, too, of course.
She loved her new manicure, thanks to Piggy Paint.
I loved that we weren't breathing in crazy toxic fumes, and I loved knowing that if she decided to chew off her nail polish- which she does often to get them repainted- it wouldn't be a horrible thing. I would really like to try the low-odor Piggy Paint nail polish remover in the future, too. This month, you can use the code B3G1 to get a free nail polish when you buy 3! These are a great stocking stuffer, or the gift sets can be the perfect gift for the princess in your life!
We are definitely crazy for Piggy Paint, and we are SO thrilled that Piggy Paint is available at Walmart AND Target! You can find out where you can find Piggy Paint near you by checking out the retailers section on the Piggy Paint website.
11 fantastic comments:
I would get pink nail polish! :)
I would get the groovy grape :)
I would get All That Razz! :)
There are too many cute colors too choose from. ;) I like the LOL and Mermaid color.
I think I would get the Puttin' on the Glitz and Glitter Bug
My favorite color is Tea Party for Two
My daughter looked at this with me, and she said she wanted to try radioactive first!
I like the Glamour girl and Candy Coated!
My daughter's favorite color is purple, so we'd get Groovy Grape!
I would love Sweetpea for my preschooler
I like the how low can you go
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