Wednesday, October 9, 2013 back the gift of SLEEP! #DDDivas #DivasSleep #sponsored #Giveaway

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine. 

Let's think for a moment....think back to the time when your firstborn was just a baby. What was the most difficult adjustment you had to make? For me, sleep was definitely different. I couldn't sleep a full 8...or even 6, or 4 hours in a row. My sleep was broken, and by the time baby fell asleep there was just so much to do that I often didn't even get a chance to get the sleep that I probably could have...but then once you do finally fall asleep, the baby wakes up again. The baby's hungry and likely soiled and uncomfortable as well.

By interviewing over 9,000 moms about what was important for their baby, Pampers found the number one unmet need is a diaper that provides superior overnight dryness.  Pampers incorporated this firsthand insight, as well as the brand’s deep understanding of baby and baby’s needs, to design a diaper that both mom and baby can count on for up to 12 hours of overnight protection. All Pampers diapers now have the 12 hours of protection, including their NEW Swaddlers in up to size 5! 

Twelve hours of overnight protection may mean that baby is more comfortable and that baby *may* sleep just a tad bit longer- and yes, that tad bit can make a huge difference (at least to this mom)!

Pampers is making this their gift of sleep to parents everywhere... and Pampers have given me the chance to give the gift of sleep to a family in my community. I was given a gift card with the mission of helping this family relax and hopefully get a little more sleep. 

I chose a family I know with a baby that was born just a week or so after Orrin. They are first time parents, so I know that sleep is something that is definitely missing in these first precious months. 

I decided to head out and find some items that I thought would help them all relax and hopefully get some more rest. Here's what I found.

For baby, we have some lavender baby wash and lotion as well as a sweet lullaby CD, and of course, Pampers Swaddlers (to keep the precious baby girl dry through the night). 

For Mom, we have a lavender scented candle, and a soothing fountain to help lull her relax.

And for Dad, we have a Movie and popcorn- perfect for watching with Mom, laughing a little (or maybe a lot), and hopefully helping them both relax after a rough day.  

I can't wait to give them their basket, and I really hope it does help them get a little more sleep! 

How could someone give YOU the gift of sleep?

83 fantastic comments:

peg42 said...

I wouldn't mind someone watching my kids for awhile, so I can get some peaceful sleep.

Unknown said...

Someone to watch the kids would help here also.

Nicole-Lynn said...

My husband could give me the "gift of sleep" by helping me relax before bed and when our first baby arrives in November-- helping me with feeding her when he's able for the late night feedings.

clc408 said...

They could by giving me some good books or movies. They make me drowsy so I can get to sleep.

Unknown said...

They could watch my two kids! :)

Christy G said...

I am thankful that my youngest sleeps through the night, of course, he is two years old. We have been having issues with diapers leaking over the last few weeks, when he decides that he wants to sleep in. He will wake up soaking wet sometimes...poor baby. I haven't tried the new size 5 Pampers yet, I might have to try them to see if they offer better protection.

Anonymous said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by letting me take that relaxing bath without interruption and put the kids to bed so I would go right after that bath!

DesiredOne said...

My daughter is due any day now and I will be watching my grand-baby when she needs some her time.

Ashley said...

They could babysit for the night.

Ashley H.

Amanda said...

They can take our dd for the night! LOL She sleeps right between dh and I!

Elena said...

by watching the kids when I sleep

Unknown said...

Someone could watch my daughter while I get a nap in. :)

akronugurl said...

i would keep this for myself

Janet W. said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by doing housework while I nap. I'm constantly going full speed watching my grandsons and doing everything around the house!

Amber said...

Somebody could silence the trains going past my home at night!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Carla S said...

They could give me sleep by keeping my cats quiet and blocking the light out the windows.

mecarolks said...

They could babysit for the night.

JC said...

Babysit my kids would be a great gift to me.

Amy Orvin said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by massaging my feet and I will be out!

Unknown said...

I could use this myself.

meredith m said...

Ive babysat for my friends so they can nap

Jennie said...

I would offer to babysit and give some snuggly pjs and a noise machine for baby

Unknown said...

A deep massage would be great to give to me to help relax me for the night :)

Unknown said...

If I could have some room darkening drapes I would be able to sleep. Christmas gift!!!

PAIGE said...

Someone...anyone....could take the kids to a movie so I can Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Barbara Montag said...

A bit of more quite time - I'd be more relaxed.
Thank you.

slehan said...

Keep the kids at my house for the weekend.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I could get the gift of sleep by having some quiet in the house

CarrieAnn13 said...

They could take my two little ones overnight so I can sleep through the night.

Unknown said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by offering to babysit! :)

Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

keep my kids overnight :)

Jennifer Marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by taking my kids to school for me for the week.

Kelly said...

Watching the kids so I could take a nice bath and then nap!

Unknown said...

Well I wake up early every morning and make everyone's lunch, breakfast, start my boyfriends truck, lay everyone's clothes out (and of course dress the little ones) and anything else that needs to be done every morning...if someone chose to do these things for me one morning- well Id be a happy girl and in bed lol

one frugal lady said...

I would love a weekend getaway by myself! ha! I would sleep the entire time!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My husband could give me the gift of sleep by getting up with the kids in the morning and letting me sleep in.


tina reynolds said...

a day too myself all though I would end up catching up on my too do list more than likely

Tara said...

babysit my kids for the night!

susan1215 said...

My husband could give me the gift of sleep by getting up with the kids in the morning and letting me sleep in.

Anonymous said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by watching my kids overnight! It would be nice to get a full night of sleep uninterrupted!

Anonymous said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by watching my kids overnight! It would be nice to get a full night of sleep uninterrupted!

Unknown said...

Giving me a wonderful lavender chamomile scented spray might give me a good night's sleep.

Robin T said...

I could buy a cooling eye mask!

Jenny Q. said...

I always bring over a meal when my friends have a baby so they can get a little extra rest

Unknown said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by buying me a new mattress. I think ours is long past bedding to be replaced.

irishcahbomb said...

by watching my son for me for just a few hours

Chip said...

They could get up in the early morning and entertain my kids and perhaps feed them for me.

Entered under Jill

Anonymous said...

I could give the gift of sleep by giving someone a cozy blanket.

Shayna said...

My son could give me the gift of sleep by taking a nap :) because the only time I can nap is if he naps lol :)

Carla said...

A bottle of wine and a nap

dominican757 at gmaill dot com

Carla said...

A bottle of wine and a nap

dominican757 at gmaill dot com

Unknown said...

send me on a vacation

Yona Williams said...

someone could gift me a really good pillow for the neck.

Anonymous said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by encouraging the dog to sleep on her bed, not ours.

cindiizzy said...

A new bed! I have a bad back and need a new bed to sleep in..Right now I am sleeping in a recliner.

MichelleS said...

Offer to watch my sister's little one so she can catch a nap.

chickie717 said...

By turning down the tv.

Julieh said...

By watching my little ones for a bit

Lisa said...

By shutting up the people upstairs who stomp all night

brendaelsner said...

By taking my kiddos for a night so I can get a much needed break and a good nights sleep.

Unknown said...

A new mattress would help me sleep at night or my husband could give me a nice back rub before we go to bed!

mich0825 said...

Quiet would be #1

Melinda said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by babysitting my son for a night.

Lisa & Fernie said...

They could do everything I do for one day and let me sleep the entire day.

ava_ann2001 said...

They could give me the gift of sleep by letting me sleep in & clean the house while I slept...Coffee waiting for my wake up would hurt either!

Buddy Garrett said...

Someone could give me the gift of sleep by giving me a weekend getaway.

Anonymous said...

They could give me a sound machine!

Allison said...

By running some of my errands for me and watching my little girl! Thanks for the chances.

April G said...

Someone could come over and watch my kids in the morning so that I could catch a quick nap! My twins still like to get up in the middle of the night and come into my room, and then they're up at a 6 AM, so really I would just love someone to watch them while I catch some shut-eye in the morning!

Carolyn Daley said...

The gift of sleep would be a spa day with a friend or a relaxing evening in with slipper socks and a good book.

bettycd said...

knowing I had the right medicine to break the fever, to clear the lungs and to let my child sleep ... that would let me relax and sleep.

lisagee1234 said...

A wee bit more financial security..and someone to take these 3 cats and give them a new home :o)

Roxann said...

Black out drapes would be a great way for me to get some sleep since I usually sleep during the day.

Tabathia B said...

by massaging my feet and back, providing me with a mani/pedi and watching the kids for me so that I can catch some zzzz's said...

well am gonna be a grandma soon so I plan on watching my new sweet grand baby so my daughter can get some rest

brich2222 said...

Someone could buy me a new comfortable mattress!
brich22 at earthlink dot net

Vikki Billings said...

If someone would give me a couple of hours to myself to take a nap.

Christy Maurer said...

A fuzzy blanket helps me sleep :)

Unknown said...

They could get me new pillows.


Trisha McKee said...

By offering babysitting services and to run my errands for me.

tridingermckee at gmail dot com

lmurley2000 said...

by offering to do somethings for me

Sand said...

I would love a good massage and a sleeping pill.

candy said...

I nice comfy blanket and a good movie wilcarvic

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