Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cat Nap!

6 fantastic comments:

Danielle Harper said...

It seriously took me a second to realize there was a cat in there! Hehe. I can't wait to get our girls a kitten... we're thinking for their birthday present this coming year :)

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Bahaha!! I'm with Danielle, it was hard to see that cat at first. It was totally chill there like that? Crazy cute!!

Six in the Nest said...

It fell asleep, too. I can't believe how well it takes the abuse from him... he LOVES the cat, but isn't so nice with it either (he plays with it like a stuffed animal).

The kitten was found abandoned in a field, so maybe it is just happy to have a home? Made for a super cute picture, though! :)

Amanda said...

That is adorable! How old is the kitten do you think?

Six in the Nest said...

About 5 weeks now. We've had it about a week, and a vet said it's brother was 4 weeks old. Our vet won't see it until it is 2lbs, so we don't even know if it is a boy or girl yet!

Mama on a Green Mission said...

SO cute!!! I can't believe the cat stayed there!!! It's so fun catching photos like this, great job getting it!! :)

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