This review was made
possible by Double
Duty Divas and Cascade.
I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my
review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
Okay, seriously... I didn't think you *could* wash dishes wrong...but I have learned you can. Thank goodness for this eye opening tidbit of information, for now my dishwashing habits (and results) have changed forever.
Cascade Platinum dishwashing tablets are amazing. To get them to wash to their fullest, you must skip the prewash. Seriously... no more rinsing! For the last year we've had a dishwasher, and I've always DEMANDED that everyone rinse their plates. It's been tedious (I mean, I often feel like I washing the dishes before washing the dishes...kwim?), so finding this out is amazing. Cascade Platinum actually needs the left over food stuffs to work properly! The enzymes attach themselves to the food and helps the cleaning process!
For this party I made some home made macaroni and cheese. Two pounds of cheese went into my recipe, so it was extra gooey! The dishwasher powered through the cheesy mess with the help of Cascade Platinum!
We're having another fun party in a few weeks, and I can't wait to share more photos with you all!
We're having another fun party in a few weeks, and I can't wait to share more photos with you all!
Have an opinion to share? Head to the Cascade website to leave a short review of Cascade Platinum ( including #CascadeShiningReviews. One reviewer will win a Kitchen Aid Dishwasher!
11 fantastic comments:
I use Cascade Complete dishwashing liquid right now. The twitter link for Cascade is not correct. I follow Cascade @MyCascade.
I currently use finish
I currently use Cascade liquid detergent with Dawn. I'd like to try the Platinum! Thanks for the opportunity.
I currently use Finish.
I use Cascade and Finish.
We are currently using a store brand dishwasher tablet.
i use whatever is cheapest which is either store brand or finish when i have coupons
I currently use the store brand dishwashing detergent.
I currently use Cascade with Dawn Dishwasher detergent.
I switch between cascade and finish.
I use either Cascade or Dawn dish detergents.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
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