I don't know about you, but I like going to the dentist for my cleanings. I love how clean my teeth are afterwards! That clean feeling only stays so long, however, at least for my husband and I. Maintaining that clean feeling is usually something that just gets more difficult with time. After a while there are some teeth that seem to get a build up- plaque maybe? My dentist says that is pretty normal, which is why they recommend a good cleaning every 6 months. But wouldn't it be great if we could keep that clean feeling longer?
Well, I am extremely excited to be a part of the Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Test Drive Program. I am excited to see the difference a regular routine and great products can make for my family's oral hygiene!
My husband has more of a plaque problem than I do, so when our kit came, we decided it would probably be better to have him use the products as the difference would likely be able to be seen more for him.
Here are the products he will be using for the next few weeks:
The products include an Oral-B toothbrush, Oral-B Glide floss, Crest Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control toothpaste, and Crest Pro-Health Clinical mouthwash. My husband will be using these products twice daily to help keep his mouth healthy, plaque free, and dentist cleaning clean-feeling!
and Oral-B invite you to enter the Pro-Health Clinical Olympic Games
Sweepstakes for the chance to win trip to the London 2012 Olympic Games,
and also enter into a weekly drawing to receive the full product line.
To enter the sweepstakes visit www.crestoralbclinical.com/olympicgamessweeps. The sweepstakes begins on March 15th and will run through May 31st. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.
wrote this post while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom
Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and Oral-B and received product
samples to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a
promotional gift to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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