Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SEVEN in the Nest!

So... you may have noticed that the blog looks a bit different...! 

Thanks to Tree, from Pearl Tree Designs, for the new header!

We are expecting our 7th  blessing at the very end of June, 2012! We will be finding out gender late next month, and we can't wait (Intelligender says boy...)! We are so excited!

Here is the ultrasound from back in December... I was 9 weeks along then.

I will post some more about the pregnancy and baby as we get further along, I can't wait to share our next ultrasound with you all! 

11 fantastic comments:

Mandi said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!

Danielle said...

Danielle @ Mama Dani's Musings

Unknown said...


Sinea said...


The Starwarsmamma said...

Intelligender was right for us! I took it like right at 15 weeks.

Six in the Nest said...

Thanks for the congrats, everyone!

Liz, I'm excited to see if it is right... although we will be thrilled with either, I LOVE our boy name pick!

Karen Sima said...

I love the new header for your website. More importantly I love your ultrasound. It truly is an exciting time. Congratulations.

Ms Janet said...

congrats! i noticed the header!

Datssocute said...

Wow! Congrats! i don't know how you do it. You are an amazing woman! Good Luck BJ

yeewittlethings said...

Congratulations! I LOVE your new header. You seriously have the cutest blog. :)

Lea Marie said...

Awe, congrats :) He or she will be born the same month as me. I'll be checking back :)

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